With Neostar you save more than 782.26 €
Discover what makes buying a car on Neostar a safer and more beneficial option.
You have 232 reasons to read this carefully!
It matters how you buy a car, because there may be hidden costs after purchase.
Directly from the seller?
When buying this car directly from the seller you will still have to pay 232€ tax!
Buying on NEOSTAR
When buying on NEOSTAR not only you do not have to pay any additional tax, but you get all these cool benefits!
Choose a date for a test drive
Choose the test drive appointment that suits you the most. Seller will accept it or offer you an alternative as soon as possible.
Reserve vehicle
Reserve this vehicle with pre-authorization of 49 kn on your credit card.
We use a reserved amount as a way to guarantee your intention to buy the vehicle. If you proceed with the purchase or cancel the reservation, the reserved amount will be refunded. Reservation is valid for X days which gives you enough time to collect all needed information for your purchase decision.
Basic Information
- 04.09.2023.49,100 kmBrake fluid replacement
- 01.08.2023.49,000 kmRegular maintenance
- 04.09.2023.49,100 kmBrake fluid replacement
- 01.08.2023.49,000 kmRegular maintenance
- Vehicle while standing
- Driving
- Wheels and tires
- Under the hood